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Marketing Navigator

The Marketing Navigator newsletter covers topics relevant for any small business - everything from marketing to running your business. It is published every fortnight in two editions - Marketing Direction and Business Digest.

Marketing Direction 19th April '24

Is your marketing strategy OK? Let us help you!

Business Digest- 5 Apr'24

We're thrilled to announce that we've officially reached our four-year anniversary! It's been an incredible journey filled with challenges, triumphs, and most importantly, growth. As a team, we've accomplished some amazing things, and we wanted to take a moment to celebrate these milestones with you.

Marketing Direction- 22nd Mar’24

Research shows that businesses that use a 360° marketing strategy see their customer retention rates increase by 45% on average and their customer engagement levels increase by 37%. In this newsletter, you'll discover how to reach your audience everywhere, create a consistent brand experience, maximise your marketing efforts, and measure your success.

Business Digest- 8 Mar'24

As an engineer, I know how important it is to have clear processes in place. They give us a sense of direction and help us work efficiently. I've also seen what happens when processes aren't well-implemented. Studies show that businesses can lose 20-30% of their productivity because of inefficient processes. This shows that it's really important to set up and improve processes in the workplace.

Marketing Navigator - 2 Feb'24

Are you looking for a way to strengthen your customer relationships, boost sales, and maximise your marketing investments? Look no further than email marketing, a powerful tool that has proven to be the most profitable and cost-effective direct marketing channel.

Business Digest - 9 Feb'24

Great leaders take care of both team and self. When they do, everyone wins! Work feels good, people stick around, ideas flow, and problems get solved. But if a leader gets too busy or forgets their team, things can slide. Morale dips, trust fades, and creativity gets lost in the shuffle.

Marketing Direction - 26 Jan'24

Using LinkedIn to improve your personal brand and career can make a big difference in your professional growth. In this newsletter, I share my success formula that led me to become a LinkedIn Top Voice.

Business Digest - 12 Jan'24

Did you know that entrepreneurs are the driving force behind innovation and economic growth? Whether you've always had a dream of starting your own business or are considering taking your existing venture to new heights, now is the perfect time to make your move. No matter where you are in your entrepreneurial journey, we're here to guide you through the process!

Marketing Direction - 22 Dec'23

"Your personal brand is what people say about you when you're not in the room." - Jeff Bezos
So, think of your personal brand as a quiet reputation. It's what people talk about when you're not around, so make sure it's something you're proud of.

Business Digest - 15 Dec'23

Discover how to set SMART goals, captivate your audience with compelling content, and leverage strategic partnerships to unlock exponential growth. This journey to marketing mastery empowers you to achieve remarkable success and define your own unique version of entrepreneurial fulfillment.

Marketing Direction - 1 Dec'23

Have you ever wondered what separates a brand that blends into the background from one that captures attention and leaves a lasting impression?

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